Higher Education - Tours, Centre, France
IDOH Msc degree program is offered by the consortium of three universities : l'Université de Tours, l'Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona and since Sept. 2019, die Medizinische Hochschule Hannover. The IDOH consortium aims to offer an innovative postgraduate programme ininfectious diseases emphasizing the complex interactions between the threearms of the one health concept: humans, animals and environment.The IDOH MSc programme involves mobility of students among the partners'and associate partners' structures. This programme has now more than 35 associatepartners including important companies focused in animal nutrition,pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, vaccines etc., research units of the largestEuropean university hospitals, excellent research centres and supranationalbodies.After finishing the programme, students will be equipped to work as expertconsultants in disease risks evaluation & management, disease surveillance& control in regional, national or international governmental public bodies,non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and in private health managementorganizations or companies. They will also be able to work as scientists inpublic or private research centres in any of the sectors included in theprogram (human, animal and environmental health).