Nonprofit Organization Management - Florence, Tuscany, Italy
"MedUp! Promoting social entrepreneurship in the MENA region" co-funded by the European Union (March 2018 – February 2022) and implemented in Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and Egypt. The project is led by Oxfam in partnership with three specialized European partners (Diesis, Euclid Network and Impact Hub, plus three associated partners: Regione Toscana, Regione Sardegna and Banca Etica) and five national partners in each country of intervention (Enactus in Morocco, JOHUD in Jordan, TCSE in Tunisia, PARC in Palestine and Sekem Foundation in Egypt). The project aims to promote an enabling environment in the Southern Mediterranean partner countries for the development of the social entrepreneurship sector as a driver for inclusive growth and job creation, through:1. promoting policy and advocacy initiatives and public-private dialogue, to create an enabling regulatory and policy environment2. reinforcing 60 social entrepreneurship support organisations through capacity-building and networking3. providing financial and technical support to 100 social enterprisesMedUP! will stimulate social entrepreneurship development as an innovative model to address persistent poverty and inequality by harnessing the potential of the youth bulge.