Non-Profit - Walton on Thames, ENG, UK
The Whiteley Homes Trust is a small housing charity which owns and manages Whiteley Village, a unique and historic retirement community in Surrey. Our founder William Whiteley was a successful Victorian retail entrepreneur who on his death bequeathed £1 million to create housing for the ‘elderly poor’. A visionary in his time, we believe William Whiteley’s philosophy is just as important now as it was then. We believe everyone has the right to live well in a good home as they age, regardless of their limited financial means. Our charity supports the health and wellbeing of up to 450 older people, the majority of whom are unable to buy or rent their own home on the open market, and we provide 25% of the specialist housing for older people in the borough of Elmbridge. On our 225-acre estate, we offer a wide variety of homes, including over 250 listed almshouse cottages – the largest number on any single site in the UK – plus extra-care flats and residential and nursing care. In the summer of 2019 we opened the Eliza Palmer Hub; our state-of-the-art nursing care centre, named after our first villager who arrived in 1917. Although most of our accommodation is intended for older people on a limited income we also offer residential and nursing care for those who can self-fund, and a limited number of purchase leasehold options. All the proceeds from our self-funding residents support the work of our charity and benefits the whole community here at Whiteley Village. The Trust also offers a wide range of facilities for hire to suit any event indoors or out. The Eliza Palmer Hub also features our stunning Lantern Café, which is open to the public 8am – 4pm every day. For more information about Whiteley, our accommodation or our facilities, please visit our website.
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