Higher Education - Steinfurt, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Our mission: The Department of Chemical Engineering serves as a partner in general chemistry and chemical engineering; both, applied and scientific teaching as well as corresponding R&D are covered.The Department's expertise is in applied chemistry and chemical engineering as the platforms for our teaching and research.Based on practice-oriented education and training in the bachelor studies, which already allow some specialization by the choice between various required elective modules, a master's program is subsequently offered to deepen and expand previously acquired skills at a high scientific level in the core areas of the department's proficiencies.Research activities are located in the areas Instrumental analytics Biochemistry/Organic chemistry Material Sciences Technology of PolymersChemical Process Engineering and Environmental Engineering.Study programmes of the department Chemical Engineering:The Department of Chemical Engineering offers a variety of interesting and future-oriented, higher education programs for a profound bachelor- and an advanced master training.Your first professionally qualifying bachelor course of studies concludes with an internship phase and a subsequent bachelor thesis after six semesters. Building on the bachelor study program, a consecutive master program in chemical engineering may be pursued. While the bachelor study program is presently offered in German exclusively, parts of the master courses are taught in English.Two directions of specialization are offered in both study programs: Applied chemistry Chemical processingWithin the master study programs in chemical engineering, an opportunity to acquire a combined binational Polish-German graduation exists. The binational graduation can be provided thanks to a cooperation with selected partner universities from Krakow and Kattowice.Prospective students, who want to combine scientific and technical studies with high business competences have the opportunity to choose a study program in Industrial Engineering - Chemical Processing.