
ConnectPlex ChatBot Knowledge Hub

Welcome to the ConnectPlex ChatBot Knowledge Hub! This hub is your comprehensive resource for understanding and utilizing various ChatBots within the ConnectPlex ecosystem.

Whether you're new to ChatBots or an experienced user, you'll find valuable information on creating, customizing, and managing ChatBots to meet your specific needs.

Within the "Manage Your ChatBots" section, you have a range of versatile options at your fingertips. Here's what you can do:

  • Create New ChatBot: You can easily initiate the creation of a new ChatBot, tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

    To initiate the creation of a new ChatBot, click on Next, choose the specific type of ChatBot you wish to create from the available options, such as Sales Bot, Recruitment Bot, Support Bot, or Personalized Bot. Then, proceed by following the instructions outlined under the relevant ChatBot category.

  • ChatBot Access Link : Gain direct access to a unique link for your ChatBot. This link allows you to share and interact with your ChatBot efficiently.

    Just click on and your chat url will be copied to the clipboard.

  • Embed Code for Your Website : We provide you with an embed code for your website, making it seamless to integrate your ChatBot into your online presence.

    To embed code in to your website,

    • Copy the code snippet that appears in the box. Then please paste this code in the HTML section of every page on your website where you want the ChatBot to appear. This needs to be pasted before the closing tag on the HTML page of your site on each page.
  • Edit ChatBot: Feel free to modify and fine-tune your ChatBot's settings, ensuring it stays up to date with your evolving requirements.

    To edit your ChatBot, click on

  • Delete ChatBot: If you no longer require a particular ChatBot, you can easily delete it to keep your workspace organized by clicking on icon.
  • Chat Transcript History: Access a detailed chat transcript history. This feature allows you to review past interactions and conversations with your ChatBot.

    To view chat transcript, click on , then click on view chat under actions. This option will display the complete chat transcript for your review.

With these comprehensive capabilities, you have the power to manage and optimize your ChatBots, track their engagements, and enhance your online communication seamlessly.

The following list comprises various ChatBot types offered by ConnectPlex

Sales Bot

A Sales Bot is a customized ChatBot designed to engage with users and provide information about a company's products, services, and solutions. The primary objective of the Sales Bot is to provide basic information to the user, and request the user to provide their contact details so that your inhouse sales / support team can then engage with the user for further discussions.

The Sales ChatBot is equivalent to having a junior executive available 24 * 7 to answer basic queries of your ChatBot users. And after a while, this junior executive (your Sales ChatBot) has been instructed to collect the ChatBot user's information so that your company can then engage further with this user.

The Sales ChatBot is equipped with features such as a unique agent name, a welcoming message, voice customization options, and the ability to share essential company details, including the company name and contact information. The Sales Bot is intended to create a personalized and user-friendly experience for potential customers, helping them learn about the company's offerings and facilitating interactions. The Sales ChatBot can be put up on your website and is accessible by a link on the ConnectPlex website. It can also be made accessible on your company phone and on WhatsApp.

Step-by-step guide for Creating Sales Bot:

  • After logging in, please click on ‘ChatBot > Manage ChatBot > New ChatBot > Select Sales Bot from the drop down.
  • Under agent name, give your ChatBot agent an identity for personalized interactions.
  • Under Welcome Statement, add a personalized welcoming message to initiate user interactions. Even if you keep the welcome statement blank, it will consider “Hi, I’m #agentname#. How can you assist you today” as a default welcome statement for starting the conversation.
  • Select a suitable voice or personalize it according to your brand's preferences. Agent Voice/ Gender
  • Enter the name of your company under the company name.
  • Describe your company's offerings for user reference under product / services / solutions.
  • Provide users with easy access to your company's contact details.
  • Include any additional relevant details that may assist users under other information.
  • Alternatively you can directly import company Products/ Services/ Solutions, Contact information and any other information simply by adding the web url in the Quick Import option.
  • Check and verify the details and click on Save Changes

With this, ConnectPlex will automatically create your Sales Bot that is ready to use.

Support Bot

A Support Bot is a specialized ChatBot designed to provide efficient customer support and assistance. These bots are equipped with advanced capabilities, including access to an extensive repository of company information, which covers more than 40 pages of content related to your company, including details about products, services, and solutions. Support Bots effectively respond to user inquiries using their extensive knowledge base. In cases where the bot encounters unfamiliar queries, it prompts users to specify their needs, ensuring a seamless and user-centric support experience.

Step-by-step guide for Creating Recruitment Bot:

  • After logging in, please click on ‘ChatBot > Manage ChatBot > New ChatBot > Select Support Bot from the drop down.
  • Under agent name, give your ChatBot agent an identity for personalized interactions.
  • Under Welcome Statement, add a personalized welcoming message to initiate user interactions. Even if you keep the welcome statement blank, it will consider “Hi, I’m #agentname#. How can you assist you today” as a default welcome statement for starting the conversation.
  • Select a suitable voice or personalize it according to your brand's preferences. Agent Voice/ Gender.
  • Enter the name of your company under the company name.
  • Describe your company's offerings for user reference under product / services / solutions.
  • Provide users with easy access to your company's contact details.
  • Include any additional relevant details that may assist users under other information.
  • Alternatively you can directly import company Products/ Services/ Solutions, Contact information and any other information simply by adding the web url in the Quick Import option.
  • Instruct the bot on how to respond when it doesn't know the answer to a question. Specify what the user needs to know or provide alternative ways to assist the user.
  • Double-check the accuracy of all the information you've entered, and then click the "Save Changes" button.

Your Support Bot is now ready to assist users with inquiries and support requests. Customize its interactions and responses to provide effective support.

Recruitment Bot

A Recruitment Bot is an advanced ChatBot designed to streamline and automate the initial stages of the hiring process. It conducts initial job candidate interviews by focusing on key skills and job descriptions. They efficiently administer Personal Information rounds and conduct technical assessments, comprising objective and subjective questions tailored to the job's specific requirements. These bots also offer in-depth candidate analysis and recommend further interview rounds for shortlisted applicants. Overall, a Recruitment Bot simplifies and enhances the hiring process by engaging with and assessing job candidates efficiently and effectively.

Step-by-step guide for Creating Recruitment Bot:

  • After logging in, please click on ‘ChatBot > Manage ChatBot > New ChatBot > Select Recruitment Bot from the drop down.
  • Give your Recruitment Bot a name or identity for personalized interactions under agent name.
  • Craft a welcoming message for your bot to initiate interactions with users. You can leave it blank, and a default message like "Hello, I'm #agentname#. How can I help you today?" will be used.
  • Pick an appropriate voice and gender for your Recruitment Bot. This can align with your brand's identity.
  • Input your company's name. This will help users know which company the bot represents.
  • Enter the title or role of the job vacancy you're recruiting for under title/role.
  • Specify the primary skills and requirements for the job vacancy to help candidates understand what's needed.
  • Enter a detailed job description to provide candidates with a comprehensive understanding of the position.
  • Input your company's information, which the bot can use to provide answers to candidate queries.
  • If you have the primary skills, job description, or company profile available on a website, use the Quick Import feature. Just provide the URL, and the bot will import the data.
  • After ensuring that all information is accurate, click the "Save Changes" button.

Your Recruitment Bot is now ready to help with the recruitment process. You can further customize its interactions and responses to meet your specific hiring needs.

Personalized Bot

A Personalized Bot is a ChatBot that is designed to provide a high level of personalization to users during interactions. Unlike humans, these bots work continuously, initiating conversations, delivering instant and accurate responses, and automating various tasks to assist your team. They are user-friendly and can be created quickly using a visual canvas in the ConnectPlex platform.

Personalized Bots are designed to impress users with their in-depth knowledge, creating engaging interactions and fostering the perception that your brand genuinely cares about its customers.

Step-by-step guide for Creating Personalised Bot:

  • After logging in, please click on ‘ChatBot > Manage ChatBot > New ChatBot > Select Personalized Bot from the drop down.
  • Under agent name, give your ChatBot agent an identity for personalized interactions.
  • Under Welcome Statement, add a personalized welcoming message to initiate user interactions. Even if you keep the welcome statement blank, it will consider “Hi, I’m #agentname#. How can you assist you today” as a default welcome statement for starting the conversation.
  • Select a suitable voice or personalize it according to your brand's preferences. Agent Voice/ Gender.
  • Enter the name of your company under the company name.
  • Add the Prompt for Bot setup. Draft a prompt that will help in engaging users and directing the conversation in a structured and meaningful way.
  • Review the details entered and click Save Changes.

Your Personalized Bot ready to engage users with a personalized welcome, structured conversation, and a voice and identity that align with your brand's preferences.

What is a Prompt?

Prompts serve several purposes in bot interactions like:

  • Initiating Conversations: A prompt is often used to start a conversation with the user. It provides a friendly greeting or introduction to set the tone for the interaction.
  • Eliciting Information: Prompts can be used to ask users for specific information, such as their name, location, preferences, or the nature of their inquiry. For example, a prompt might ask, "What's your name?"
  • Providing Choices: Bots often use prompts to present users with multiple choices or options. Users can then respond by selecting from the provided options. For instance, a prompt could list menu items for a user to choose from.
  • Guiding Users: Prompts help guide users through tasks or processes. They can instruct users on what steps to follow or what information to provide next.
  • Confirming Actions: After users take specific actions or make selections, a prompt can be used to confirm their choices or actions, ensuring that the bot understands their intent correctly.
  • Error Handling: When users input invalid or unclear information, prompts can be used to ask for clarification or to inform users that their input is not understood.
  • Conversational Flow: Prompts help maintain the flow of the conversation by posing questions or making statements that keep the interaction moving forward.
  • Feedback Collection: Bots use prompts to ask users for feedback or ratings, helping businesses gather insights into user satisfaction and areas for improvement.